Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of December 28 (which includes the labor reform) introduces important changes in hiring matters . The discontinuous fixed contract is emerging as the great bet of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to stop the high temporary employment ratios. Encouraging this already existing contractual figure (but little used - currently there are just over 400,000 permanent discontinuous workers compared to four million temporary workers) is one of the star measures of the reform. The changes introduced by the labor reform are in force from December 31, 2021, however, there are certain measures that will come into force 3 months after the publication of the reform in the BOE (March 30, 2022).
Both the regulation of temporary contracts and that of discontinuous permanent contracts are part of this group of measures applicable from March 30. What is a discontinuous fixed contract? Unlike temporary Phone Number Data contracts, fixed-discontinuous contracts are considered indefinite . Its particularity lies in the fact that work activity is carried out intermittently over time. That is, there is a discontinuity in the exercise of work (you do not work throughout the year, only some months). During the time when they are not called to work, employees also collect unemployment, like casual workers.
«Unlike temporary contracts, permanent-discontinuous contracts are considered indefinite» (Photo: E&J) Another difference is the compensation at the end of the contract. While temporary workers are compensated with 12 days per year worked at the time their contract ends, the termination of a permanent-discontinuous worker is like that of a permanent worker: it ranges between 20 days of salary per year of service and an annuity of maximum (objective dismissals) or 33 days per year and 24 months maximum (unfair dismissal). Currently there are just over 400,000 people with this type of contract, which barely represents 2.6% of the total number of Social Security affiliates.